Saturday, August 9, 2008

Three Months!!

So we had a busy month in Idaho and now we are getting settled in NJ. We are all very excited for this new adventure - and Cameron and Azer have both adjusted well to all the changes that they've gone through recently. They're troopers. We'll have another update post but I just wanted to get Azer's three month pictures up here.

My chunky monkey :) HA!

The smile that melts hearts everywhere.

Azer's version of "To Infinity and Beyond!"


Jaime said...

He is so dang cute! Good luck in NJ!

Carlie said...

such sweet pics! he is such a handsome baby. so sorry about not being able to get together for lunch! crazy eh? i was sad i didnt get to see you before you left. i was pretty out of it, i guess. all that for a pinky finger! anyhow, hope all is going well. good luck in nj! (i'll email you my address & miranda's #)

DiZe said...

sooo cute!!! I can't believe how much he has changed in such a short amount of time - I mean it has been 4 days now!! I am REALLY missing him and his big brother.

Katie and Howard said...

He is just SUCH a cutie!!! I love his big eyes!!
Good luck in NJ!! I'll need to get your new address.