Friday, August 22, 2008

No Quite Ready Yet

So we've made a couple of attempts at trying to get Cameron started potty training. We tried again today and he let us know that he wasn't ready yet...

Ryan: Do you want to go pee in the potty?? (Taking off his old diaper)
Cameron: Shakes head no.
R: We can put cheerios in!
C: Diaper on. (In Cameron's whiny voice)
R: You can go pee outside!!
C: Diaper on.
R: Do you want to wear big boy underwear?
C: Diaper on.
(This was all repeated a couple of times with the same response every time- HA!)

Any tips on getting him ready?? Tara??? Do I need to send him to Anne? ;)


Rachel Holloway said...

How old is he? I can't quite remember.

This potty training stuff stinks. Literally.

I wish we could just skip this step all together.

....but it all pays off. :)Just a side note, we started potty training our boy by letting him sit so he got used to going potty first and learning to control his bladder. We will work on the aim later...just an idea.

Katie and Howard said...

I didn't know why you asked me about the dating site and then I looked at the address...hahaha. I actually stole the idea from someone else's blog.
Good luck with the potty training and NJ! Everything going well?

AprilF said...

He's almost 2 1/2 and he really wants nothing to do with the potty. Cameron doesn't even want to SIT on the toilet- and we haven't "made" him because we don't want it to be something he hates.


Yes Yes Yes. We would LOVE if you sent him to Anne. We miss that little boy.

It will click soon I promise. Just don't give up. Keep asking him......but it might take more than an invitation to pee outside (good idea Ryan).....I'm thinking something like CANDY! Give him the good stuff. Maybe he'll go for peeing outside around 28 yrs or so....since that's what seems to get Ryan excited! HA HA HA HA