Thursday, August 14, 2008


So there are some things that are going to take some getting used to living in Jersey. Most the adjustments I'm going to have to make have to deal with driving. If any of you have driven with me before you know that being a patient driver is NOT one of my strong points. So this could be a rough little while- HA! Here are some things I've noticed that I just have to make a note of.

1. The ..ahem.. "round"abouts. Yeah. They all (all the one's I've come across to this point anyway) seem to have road going through them- and have about 300 stop lights at each "round"about. There are also Do Not Enter signs at what seems like every way you can turn. Trying to navigate these with a yelling toddler and crying baby have been, well, interesting to say the least. Lots of the green monster, er, minivan cutting people off. At least I had AZ plates. Muahahhahaha!

2. Left turns, or lack there of. If you are trying to go somewhere that is on your left you will most likely have to turn right at a light, make a u-turn, go straight, make another u-turn, turn right and then go straight until you can turn right into your destination. I kid you not, these are the directions TomTom gave me to get from my house to the local Walmart. Which brings me to my next point....

3. The sides of street are all covered by lots of beautiful, green, lush trees. There are several streets that don't have signs on the street indicating where the store is. It's a good thing I have the eyes of a buffalo hunter or we never would have found Walmart.

4. The trash and recycling. They actually have trucks that drive around with men holding onto the sides and get out and throw your garbage into the truck!! Can you imagine?? The major downside of this is that there are just bags of garbage and small garbage bins sitting around the neighborhood (and city for that matter) on trash day. Not really a pretty sight. We also seem to have garbage/ recycling overflowing in our backyard because your garbage bins can't be that big or they won't be able to lift them into the truck. So come every Wednesday our yard begins to resemble the startings of a landfill- and smells like one to. Ewwwwwww.

5. Cold swimming water. Enough said.


BARBARA said...

April, I found pictures...of afraid and live in dread of my blog...(evil cackle) Aunt Barbie Doll


I am laughing so hard at this. You are so funny. There's nothing worse than not being able to find a Walmart when you need one. And the round abouts - that would totally be me. I always get a little stressed out at those even when they don't have lights. And with screaming kids....the most stressful sound to humans??? AAAAHHHHhhh! Me and the trash situation would not get a long. AT ALL! TAlk about bug attraction in the backyard and the smell???? No thank you. That is old fashioned - take a picture of the 'garbage man' Too funny. Thanks for sharing these stories - they were great.

The life of Jayne said...

WOW, you will have to take some pictures of the area, it would be fun to see-

Davis said...

Sounds like a nice adjustment ahead. You guys are going to have a blast in NJ. I can't wait to come and visit. :) My plan is update my blog tonight. I will get pics of San Diego, Wedding, Cruise and reception. Well, what I have. I don't have the ones back from my photographer. I am giving her some time and I will call her next week.

Camille said...

...I am so confused. I must have missed the "We are moving across the country" post. Wow- that is a big move! The roundabouts would make me want to just stay home.
Our old neighborhood- IN IDAHO- had the garbage truck w/the guys on the back too. My son LOVED to watch them. Good luck getting settled.....
Why did you move?