Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Two Months Old...

I took some pictures of Azer for his two monthsand thought I would post them. They're not that creative as I really don't like taking pictures of babies from about 4 weeks to 41/2 months. But at least I still captured his cuteness.
Ryan and I think Azer looks like Cameron a lot but there are some differences. Azer looks like he is going to have brown eyes to Cameron's blue/green. Cameron had more hair than Azer and Azer's is lighter with more of a reddish tint. If I had pictures on this computer I could do a comparison as I took Cameron's two months in the same outfit- and everyone could see how much my photography has improved- LOL!


Katie and Howard said...

Oh April...he is just adorable!!

Jana said...

You take the best pictures! What kind of camera do you recommend? Your boys are so cute! I love the dimple! Hope you're doing well. Sad you couldn't make it to the reunion. Maybe next time you can come and take some great pictures :)


I love these pictures. (I still think the one of Azer on your header is cuter though - ha) I want to see the comparison ones. That would be fun. What a cute idea to take them in the same outfit. We MISS you guys.

Davis said...

You've got some cute kids!!! He is adorable!

Michelle & Rick said...

hey aps!
how was idaho..so sorry that we had tons going on...ella is starting school this next week....well i will e-mail you...or do you skype? that is great we should do that sometime....