Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Amazing...

.... standing baby!

Ryan has a picture like this of him as a baby standing in his dad's hand. He's done it with every child so far - but Nora seems to have taken to it the best!

I can be crafty....

... too! I had decided for Easter this year I was going to have everyone wearing a matching piece of... something. I looked all over Etsy but after getting a quote for just the ties ($61) I realized that wasn't going to happen. I'd have to  be doing some sewing make this a reality. So I did. They are not perfect by any means but I'm quite proud that it all came together in my sleep deprived state. So here's my hard work:

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Face of Determination

Will you get that camera out of my face? I'm busy....

Hmmmmm.... I wonder what that is.

Let's just crawl over there and see. 

I looks really interesting. 

Now if only mom would let me put it in my 
mouth I could really find out what it is.

She also does a great Downward Dog!