Sunday, August 24, 2008


So after my post the other day about Cameron's potty training we took the fabulous comments into consideration and went at it a little harder these past few days. Ryder played a HUGE roll in getting Cameron's "big boy underwear" on. We showed Cameron Ryder's picture wearing them and he was all for it! YAY! He did also poop and pee in them a couple of times yesterday- not so yay there- but it's got to start somewhere, right?? We've also been setting a timer and asking him every so often if he wants to sit on the potty. If he does then he gets a skittle. I did NOT want to bribe him with candy but I DO want him potty trained before he's married so whatever works at this point! LOL! We of course had to take pictures of the momentous occasion- what kind of mother would I be if I didn't ;)
C. chilling on the potty

And the BEST news of all?? Today he actually pee'd on the potty!! YAY Cameron!!!



Yay Cameron! We are so proud of you. You are such a big boy. April, that picture couldn't be cuter. He totally reminds me of the little boy on that Adam Sandler movie...Big Daddy - I think that's what it's called. He's so cute. I hear you on the candy thing - I was really starting to think that Ryder would NEVER go on the potty without candy afterwards, but he eventually forgot and quit asking each time. Now he just goes without it. I love SUCCESS! Good job.

Rachel Holloway said...

hooray! This is a HUGE success...great work!!

Rebecca M said...

That is so great! Great job Cameron!!!! I like that hes listening to tunes on the relaxation

Katie and Howard said...

I don't know if I have seen a cuter picture!! haha.
I'm so glad he is progressing on his potty training! yeah!

Jen said...

Use the CANDY! Whatever it takes. Morgan needed her chocolate everytime for about 2 weeks straight. Now she only asks only so often after success and she rarely has an accident. Bribing can be a great thing :)