Sunday, August 24, 2008

Making Cookies

Cameron LOVES to help anytime he can in the kitchen. If he sees Anyone in there doing Anything he is pulling a chair from the table to come and help. Most of the time I am guilty of trying to dissuade him from "helping" but the other day I decided that was not the right attitude to have so we made cookies together. Here are some pictures of our fun:

Pouring some flour- *we* may have added a little too much.

Missed the bowl by about an inch....
Yummy dough

Getting ready to bake

The delicious end result!!

The clean-up may have been a little harder but the process was SO much more fun!



Ahhh! If you had any idea how much I am craving chocolate chip cookies right now. I was just telling Ben that I need some chocolate chips so I can make some and then I see these mouthwatering pictures. To die for. You're a good mom April.

Rachel Holloway said...

HOW FUN! And those cookies look delicious! wHAT A FUN way to get Cameron involved!

The life of Jayne said...

YUM!! The cookies look SO GOOD!!