Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beach baby, Beach baby...

As we only live just over an HOUR from the beach we had to go before Ryan's school started and we got too busy and we missed the season. We had a great time and I'm sure we're going to have lots of fabulous times next summer. I Lalalalalove being so close to a beach. Cameron was hesitant about the water and preferred to be on the sand but he did get in a couple of times.

The water seemed a littler warmer than the CA beaches I've been to and there were a TON of jellyfish. They looked like ice on the sand. There was a little kid near us touching them so I don't think they were dangerous- but we all steered clear nonetheless. There was also way LESS seaweed. Hooray!

Cool dude Cameron

Azer was a happy little guy.

Making sand castles

Putting Azer's feet in the sand/water for the first time.

1 comment:


This is so fun. I just read your blog last night and there were so many updates and then I look again this morning and wala - a bunch more. That's what I'm talking about....keeping us updated. Good job. Totally jealous of the beach - that will be great for next summer. Very cute pictures.