Friday, August 22, 2008


This morning Ryan was getting ready for his orientation at the Law School. Cameron was roaming around in his pj's. We went downstairs to get breakfast started and Cameron came down a few minutes later dressed as Ryan's mini-me. That kid is too funny! Granted the clothes were in the dirty pile and he got the shirt on backwards- but it's the thought, right?

Ryan and his mini-me.

At least we've now got a viable Halloween option- Dr.Evil and mini-me. Guess it's time to start shopping for the gray suits and bald caps.


Rachel Holloway said...

That is SO funny! And pretty impressive that he caught on to that!!


Go Cameron! Ryder is totally into getting himself dressed right now too. Its hilarious. Nothing ever gets put on right. What a little smarty to match his dad. He's too cute. I bet he loved that you took a picture of that. Post pics of your house. I want to see.