Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Family Reunion

This past weekend Ryan, Cameron and I went to the Farnsworth Family Reunion. We all had a really good time. Cameron loved running around in the "wild" getting dirty. I guess I don't let him do enough of that at home. It rained, of course, it always does. Kyle and Family had a crazy experience- Hence the reason I will NOT camp in a tent at that reunion. Not that I would camp in a tent otherwise... LOL. Here are some pics of Cameron enjoying his time.

We had to get Kyle to look at this branch before Cameron would- oh well, whatever it takes to get the picture, right?

Cameron looking at Daniel brushing his teeth in this shot- we also have a picture of Daniel doing that to prove that it DOES happen- hehe.

This is Ryan's aunt Sherri (sp). She was making Cameron laugh so hard- it was adorable!

Cameron playing with the hoola-hoop.

Ryan's dad and brothers had set up a hammock and Ryan and Cameron had a lot of fun in it.

Just some cute shots I liked.


DiZe said...

Fabulous pictures. Looks like Cameron had a great time. Love the one with Cameron sitting on Ryans aunt's lap. How adorable is that? Actually - love all of them. You can tell how much he loves spending time with his Dad. Would be nice if occasionally there was a pic of you too.....

Amber said...

Your pictures look great!!! Thanks for letting us crash in your RV!

Kyle said...

cool pics! Big Toe pictures?