Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Cameron and I have been taking swimming lessons. It's more of a way to get out of the house and heat than anything, but Cam also loves the water. I've learned a couple of things from this experience. They are as follows:

1. Cameron doesn't have a lot of fear. The pool we are at has zero entry which is where we have the lessons which makes it nice for the smaller kids so they can stand. Well Cameron, even after falling several times, doesn't seem to realize he can't breathe underwater. He just keeps walking with his body getting further and further under. He gets to his chin and you think he would stop but no- keeps going until he can't touch. I bring him up sputtering and he tries to walk away again.

2. Toddlers don't like to be held in one place. At least I hope it's toddlers and not just my son. Even if this holding in one place involves singing fun songs and blowing bubbles. If I try to make Cameron stay in the circle he starts saying "Eeeeeeeeee" really LOUD. All the mom's with toddlers look at me in commiseration. The mom's with younger babies look at me like I am abusing my son. Just wait, I want to tell them, and I would like to be there to see their kiddo's meltdown. Muahahahahaha. I feel like I'm going through the Terrible One's. If they are this tantrum filled I can't wait to see what the Terrible Two's have in store for us.

3. B is for Bubbles.

1 comment:

DiZe said...

Cameron really has no fear. He didn't stop going down the stairs even after he rolled from the top to the bottom. Not afraid of being hurt. He tried to make a get away after figuring out how to open the screen door. Not afraid of exploring by himself. He kept trying to walk straight off the deck without even slowing down - and it is 5 feet in the air. Obviously not afraid of heights. And now, he is not afraid of water. I am glad he isn't a fearful child, but he could at least look before he leaps! I guess he isn't afraid of anything because he has been so well loved and watched over. Way to go Mom and Dad!