Sunday, July 15, 2007


We went camping this weekend to escape the heat and break in our new RV. With Cameron there "testing" everything out we definitely broke her in. While he was testing out the steps he fell and cut open his lip- gushing blood. Ok... maybe not gushing... but there was a LOT. Poor guy. After we gave him a rag to suck on he felt a lot better. We went on a walk to the fish hatchery and the creek- Cameron LOVED it. We had to drag him away. The water was freezing- Ryan said just like Idaho water. LOL. Here are some pics(okay many, but I took a ton of course).

Our RV

Cameron's lip- the top is looking a little fuller than normal- and it had already gone down a lot.

Some shots of Ryan and Cameron. Cameron really like riding on Ryan's shoulders- he got handles and water bottles.

Some cute ones of Cameron

Cameron in the water

Some still lifes- I am starting to like taking these more. They don't run or avoid the camera.

1 comment:

DiZe said...

Like the RV - I am glad that you got to enjoy it this weekend. I was wondering where the child seat goes in an RV - or do they get to run around? I can't believe that lip on Cameron. You need to wrap that kid in bubble wrap. The pictures were excellent - I especially love the one of Ryan and Cameron walking together.