Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pictures of the Week

In addition to my picture of the day I'm also trying out some new logos.

Day 3: Oh my poor feet. It will be over soon.
Day 4: Fun in the Sun.
Day 5: Finally some fruit.
Day 6: Scared and excited all in one.
Day 7: The Secret. It's finally coming together.
Day 8: Just add baby.

I missed a day this week. I'm not sure if I have to do every day in a row or if I should start over. But I don't want to do that so I'm not going to ;)


Rachel Holloway said...

I love all of your pics! Mmmm....especially that pic of the fruit. YUM-O!

I hope your feet find relief soon!! That is the toughest part of being pregnant in a warm least your baby isn't due in August! :)

And WHAT A GREAT CRIB! So cute!! Can't wait to see the little one who will fill it! :)

The life of Jayne said...

These are great pictures, and I love your logo at the bottom of each picture!
Only a few more weeks till you have your baby, Keep us posted!


So cute. Love the logos - classic. Good idea to post pics of the week - I always look forward to seeing them on your blog so keep it up :0)
Is your next post going to be little AZER??? I am so excited. Can I come visit in the hospital? No biggie if you don't want me too - I totally understand. let me know when I can watch Cameron for you after he gets here - I'M SERIOUS! Oh...and you will be getting dinner so you better tell me what you like - maybe I'll do a lasagne repeat - sound good?