Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wierd dream

I (Ryan) stayed home with Azer on Saturday while April took Cameron to a birthday party. Normally Azer goes right to sleep after he eats sometime between 1 and 3, but this time, he wouldn't do it. It was like he knew April was gone and he refused to sleep.

The only way I could get him to sleep was to lay down by him, then we both fell asleep. Fast forward an hour and a half or so...I had this dream that I was in class and my laptop kept making loud noises and no matter what I did (frantically pushing buttons, close the laptop) it wouldn't stop! It was an unsettling dream to say the least. Then Azer woke up and started crying, then I heard the phone ring. It was April - she was home, but left her house key inside and the door was locked. April had tried to call about 10 times. Azer woke me on the 7th or 8th.

She figured I was asleep and knew the only way to wake me would be to call until the phone woke Azer up. At least I know the laptop noises were the home phone, and don't need to worry about the laptop embarassing me.


Davis said...

Ryan you are silly! That is funny! Good job Azer. I hope school is going well.

Jen said...

Ryan must be working pretty hard because that is one of those exhaustion type dreams. Trying to be alert to the kids but not quite able to stay conscious.

BARBARA said...

i have dreamed there was a phone and it was ringing and ringing. when i finally struggled awake i relised it was MY phone that was ringing!

Anna said...

Lol - I don't think Azer was crying because the phone was ringing. I have a funny feeling it's because you were frantically pushing his buttons and trying to close him...