Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Pics

We went to a birthday party a couple weeks ago and the theme was Peter Pan. We hodge-podged an outfit together for C. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.

Meet John:

C decided he wanted to mow the lawn. The outfit he's wearing was a Christmas outfit
it's too big and I have it in a bin in his closet. He ALWAYS gets it out so he can wear his "Gun Pants" (we have no idea why he calls them that). He saw AzMan wearing his camo outfit today so he went and got his out.

Downward dog.
AzMan's favorite yoga position. We're guessing by the frequency
he performs it anyway.


Ryan said...

maybe we should call it the "elusive downward dog" since it took us 3 weeks to get a decent picture of it.

Amber said...

That is too funny! That is Zacks favorit position also! Bradley thinks he is trying to do a summersalt :) And Cameron looks too cute as John. We miss you guys the other day Bradley asked when we were going to move to a different state like "Cameron and April" :) Anyways. Cute pictures.

Davis said...

John is VERY cute!!! Good job.

BARBARA said...

very cute though if we went around with our head on the ground and our bum stuck in the air we would be put in a room with nice padded walls. kids have all the fun...

Anna said...

Cameron's outfit is absolutely darling! Geddit? Darling!

Well, at least I amused myself :P