Monday, December 8, 2008

Cute Video

Just a little video so you can all see how expressive C-man is- and this video is actually a pretty tame example- but he tones it down for the camera. He Cracks us up daily. Sorry it's sideways- I couldn't figure out how to fix it. And I was really sick of looking at Trains, Trains, Trains. LOL!


{Morgan Burt} said...

Lol I love it! Not sure I understood much of what was said...haha

Ryan said...

Here's the translation:

C: scary snort
A: What happened? I don’t remember, what happened?
C: Cameron make a sad.
[means something made him sad]
A: Why were you sad? Why were you sad?
C: Because…penguin sad, too.
[he was in the middle of Happy Feet]
A:Oh…why was the penguin sad?
C: because scary snort, Cameron sad, pe-penguin sad, Ca-Cameron make scary snort.
[in the book “Are You My Mother?” by P.D. Eastman, there is a shovel type tractor that is called a “scary snort.” Cameron is telling April about a part in Happy Feet where the abandoned tractor falls in the water and the penguin is swimming away from it. It was stressful for Cameron for some reason.]
A: I see.

What we think is so funny is the deliberate [very] sad face at the beginning. He's got it nailed.

Davis said...

I love that April was laughing at his sad face! He is too cute!

DiZe said...

Love the sad face -