Saturday, December 27, 2008

More Cameron-isms

We're jointly writing this post, we want to record these things so we remember them later.

Any time we tell Cameron it's time for bed, or a nap, or bath, or to leave somewhere fun (like nursery today), he always (Always, always) negotiates for more time. He never gets much extra time, though, because the most time he knows how to ask for is "two more five minutes." Usually we just give him ten minutes notice, then his request is granted!

In our ward each family is assigned to a team that is required to clean the church once every other month. We were on duty yesterday, and April and I arranged and cleaned the cultural hall, overflow and chapel. While we were in the chapel, Cameron stood up on the stand, beside the podium and with hands spread wide was telling the imaginary audience "Welcome Elmo's world" and "welcome vacuum." And then he would do a fake laugh. When we have company over to our house he also tells people "welcome to my home" - and he'll keep saying it until he gets a response from the visitor.

Cameron can make his brother laugh and smile like no one else. He has just one trick in his repertoire and that is saying "Ah-Boo!" over, and over, and over. Azer laughs every time. When we are driving somewhere and Azer starts to get fussy I'll say to C "Make Azer smile" and it will start. It makes us smile too.

Last night April watched a DVD before bed and left it in the DVD player. This morning after Cameron woke up (too early for us, as usual) and had the milk I'd left in the fridge for him the night before, we heard Peter Pan playing pretty loud on the TV. Cameron got out our book of DVD's, found Peter Pan, switched it for the DVD in the player and managed to start it. He is not even three yet. 2 years, 9 months, 27 days. It takes some people longer than that to be comfortable with an electronic device. That's right, he's smart.

A lot of days Cameron and I (April) will do what C calls *projects*. Painting, coloring, learning sheets, glue - that's the sort of thing we do. The other day we had done a painting one where we made Rudolph out of Cameron and AzMan's handprints. When we were done with that I let Cameron paint on some paper. After he had gotten down and we were cleaning up I couldn't find the paper. I asked Cameron where it was and he said "On the Fridge!" with a "Duh, mom" look on his face. I went and looked and sure enough Cameron had taken off some of his old projects and put his new one on there.


Ryan said...

We could probably do one of these posts once per month.

Jen said...

I love the Welcome to Elmo's world greeting. He could be a bigtime preacher one day. :)