Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ward Party

We had our ward Christmas party last night and we all had a lot of fun. I think Cameron the most. At one point a couple parents threw about five kids (Cameron being one of them) into the breezeway so they could run around like crazies. And they did. And they loved it. And I didn't get any pictures of it. Dang. But have no fear- I did get a couple pictures.

My boys sported faux-hawks for the occassion. To bad they were outshined by a real mo-hawk. These guys were cuter though ;)

I love Cameron's expression in this one.

Cameron leading the music.

The three wise men (aka our bishopric)
Cameron and Elder Hill (He LOVES Elder Hill)

1 comment:

Meghan and Sean Green said...

April, WOW have your boys grown up. THey really are beautiful boys. YOur an amazing photographer. Your pictures sure do make me smile. I love the one of Cameron looking up at Ryan. Miss you guys, hope law school and your photography is thriving! Happy New Year!