Friday, September 19, 2008

Meet Larry

Ryan started doing "Larry" to make Cameron laugh. The only problem is it scares him half the time. And let's be honest here- me too! Cameron will get scared- and then laugh. Then scared and laugh. One night, right before bed of course, Ryan was doing "Larry" a lot... and by the end of it Cameron was just scared. Greeaaattttt. Our conversation went something like this:
Cameron: Cameron Scared
Me: Why are you scared?
C: Thunder
M: There's no thunder.
C: Rain
M: Nope. No rain.
C: Dada Lrry
M: Ahhhh. Great.
So I calmed him down and he finally went to sleep. The next morning he woke Ryan up and the conversation was as follows:
Ryan: Does Larry face. Were you scared last night?
Cameron: Mama beat you.
So apparently Cameron got from our above conversation that I was going to go and beat up Ryan. HA!


Davis said...

That is pretty scary! Ryan is a crack up!

The Harmons said...

HaHaHa! Sounds like something my Ryan would do!


Ryan Ryan Ryan or should I say Larry, Larry are a good sport to let your wife put such pictures on the blog. Where did this come from? Is Larry a family member or and old friend or something? Or just something that popped into Ryan's head? Poor Cameron. Why do dad's feel its their duty to scare their kids. Ben gets a kick out of it too. April, is "Ahhh great" REALLY all you said???? Cameron is too smart.