Thursday, June 12, 2008

Porch swing with Cameron - A picture story

Cameron and I were hanging out on our porch swing this evening and he was being his normal hamin' it up self so I had to grab a camera. These pictures are in the order they happened on the camera. And I had to add a cute one of Azer sleeping.

Ah man... can't we do anything without that camera??

I will resist...

Okay, maybe a little smile to appease her.

If I cover my face she won't notice my smile!

If I ignore her maybe she'll go away.

Nope. Still there.

If I don't open my eyes she can't see my smile. I'm invisible.

Seriously lady, put that thing away.

Ahahahahahahah. I was just kiddin'.

If I give her my best smile she's got to stop, right?

After this picture he promptly jumped down so he could better see the airplane. Thus ending our fabulous photo shoot.

Still nothing sweeter.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Azer's a month old... Time is flying!!

I can't believe that Azer has already been in our family for a month already. We've had so many visitors (for which I am VERY grateful) that it's flown by. This also means that we don't really have any kind of routine- which stresses me greatly. I love my routines. We are doing good though and Azer is getting more aware every day. I LOVE this phase- when they start to become aware of everything.

I added some pictures of Azer we took for his one month (just snaps really) and some of Cameron finger painting.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A week in pictures...

I'm finally getting a moment to update the blog. Life really is more busy when you have two. EVEN when you have lots of fabulous family to help! Cameron has been so cute with Azer. He always wants to help. I was feeding Azer the other day on the couch. Cameron came and sat down next to me with the boppy on his waist and pointed to his nipple and said "Feed him". HA! Cameron also like to put on one of my carriers and tell me to put Azer in there. He hasn't talked me into it yet. He is too funny! Azer is getting cuter everyday- If that's possible ;)

Cameron and Daniel swimming. Check out those abs on Danwel.

Azer swimming. He actually slept in his carseat outside the whole time! Crazy I know! We've decided that he likes being outside in the heat.

Cameron giving Azer some loves.

The fly by kiss.

Cameron carrying tigger.