Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pool Time

Cameron recently started swimming lessons. The kind of lesson where just Cameron gets in the pool with his class and instructor. Lets just say the first lesson went less than stellar. Cameron cried The. Whole. Time. That screaming kind of cry. I was getting awesome dagger looks from the other moms watching. Faaannnnttttaaasssttttiiicccccc.

We decided that we need to go to the pool more often as he'd only been around twice in the past year. So we headed to the Y for some family swim time. Cameron did get in the pool without screaming for us- but only after he saw AzMan and Ryan having a good time. (Please excuse the Even crappier phone pics)

1 comment:

BARBARA said...

first they scream everytime you get even CLOSE to the edge of the pool and then for the next 5 years they scream every time you say "get out! i wont tell you again" of course you WILL because you have a hope, very faint, but a hope to get out of there and go home. one day.