Wednesday, January 28, 2009

10 Things that Bug

I've been tagged by Jen, and I'm normally to lazy to do them, but since she did leave a comment about it I guess I have to. So, with no further ado, TEN Things that Bug:

1. Fanny packs. Tourist or not those things are terrible.
2. Drivers who don't know how to merge properly. Or who don't care about merging properly.
3. Looonnnggggg waits in Dr's offices. And then only having the doctor spend five minutes with you.
4. That I say "No Worries" AAALLLLLLL the time. So annoying. I can't seem to stop myself.
5. Incessant talking in a movie theatre.
6. Drivers who speed up to get ahead of you and then slow down.
7. Smokers smoking right by the entrance to a store- so I have to walk through it with my kids. Gross.
8. When you order something at a restaurant with modifications and it comes out wrong.
9. People who fly on airplanes and expect no children.
10. No left turns/Jug Handles/ Tolls in New Jersey. Maybe that should just be driving in New Jersey.

I tag: Anyone who wants to get their "bugs" out. It's actually nice. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner.


Leah said...

I think everyone hated driving in Jersey!

BARBARA said...

like mother like daughter-your mom whines about merging drivers too! jill moved to texas and LOVES their tool roads too.