Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Lil Punkin

On a photography board I frequent someone had posted the Cutest picture of a baby in a pumpkin with their feet sticking out the front. A-Dor-Able. Since Azer's 5 month pictures were coming up I decided to try that. So today, with the pumpkin we got at the patch the other day, we carved the pumpkin. Which really just consisted of cutting off the top, gutting and cutting some feet holes.

I did a quick set up with a rug and blanket and put Azer froggy style in the pumpkin- with the feet holes in the back. He did okay with those so we tried to turn him around and put his feet in the holes. Well... the holes were to small. Azer was pretty ticked that we even tried to force him in. Not being one to give up that easy I had Ryan cut the leg holes larger. So we crammed Azer in the pumpkin again and got his legs through the holes. And Azer was So excited about it. I don't think I've seen him so happy. Oh, wait...

Hmmmm... This isn't too bad.

Hey Mom! I'm an amputee.

Not likey...

REALLY Not likey...

Get me out of this &$*#$ thing!
Needless to say I didn't get any *winner* shots out of the 8 that I managed to snap. And my setup looks quite amateurish but atleast I got them done. Whew.


Stephanie said...

That is just adorable! What a cute little boy, even when he's crying so hard! I love the pumpkin idea.

Nicia said...

I think those pictures are adorable!

Marnie said...

What a sweet baby! I love your pumpkin idea. I wonder if I can stuff my 15-month old into a pumpkin...hmm...She's little, but maybe not quite small enough.

The Harmons said...

hahaha! That is so funny. I love the ones of him crying.

Anna said...

Flipping A :D Gonna have to try that. Except that... darn. I don't have a baby. Reckon I can get a pumpkin big enough for Maya?

Rachel Holloway said...

What a great idea!!! I love it! DANG, he looks ticked off though!