My mom, Eric, and grandma showed up Tuesday morning as my mom was going to be staying with the boys for the time I was in the hospital (and a few more days). We were scheduled to go in at 10:30 but we got a call just before 9:00 asking us if we could come in early. We put everything in overdrive and arrived at the hospital by 9:30 (we're less than 5 minutes away).
Last photo as a family of 4!
The anesthesiologist (the resident version) came in and explained everything and okay's my request for my Ipod during surgery. But not for Ryan being in there while they give me the spinal - boooooo. This is the worst part for me. I have mini panic attacks when it comes time so I told the guy he'd be in charge of my freak out. LOL!
Then we're ready to go in- me, my ipod stocked with soothing Norah Jones/Sarah M/ Jack Johnson type music, and "my army" of staff. So we start the spinal and I get my tunes going. But wait- I didn't update my songs right so it's an older playlist. My workout playlist. So some Blink 182 starts blaring... not exactly calming. Janette was with me the whole time talking my ear off so I didn't have time to focus on them paralyzing me from the anesthesia. She was seriously amazing.
It's finally time to start. I'm laid on the table, tunes blaring and Ryan is standing by my head. It took a reallyreallyreally long time- or felt really long- as there was extra scar tissue they have to cut through. I was just trying to focus on the end result and not the smells. Then, finally, Ryan tells me they are getting her out - and Kanye is yelling in my ear ;). And it all becomes worth it... the fear, the surgery, the recovery - all worth it. Miss N, all 8lbs 11oz 20.5 in of her made it ALL worth it.
Copy and paste link if you'd like to see the "first look":
This is where the first of two things happen that don't normally happen. One of the things I really wanted to happen was to be able to have the baby placed on my chest right after birth. While it wasn't right after birth I was able to get skin-to-skin contact with her pretty dang close. I can't thank Janette enough for making this happen for me. Ryan even got some skin-to-skin time with baby N as well.
Then the second unconventional thing I requested got to happen. At this hospital during after a c-section the baby is whisked to the nursery to be checked. I did NOT want this to happen. Janette was able to get all of the needed people in there so Nora didn't have to leave at all and got all checked out in there. Yes! Fabulous!
They finally finished sewing me up and I went to recovery for a hour and my sister's & niece were able to come in and see us. And I was able to nurse Nora who nurses like a champ!
The rest of the day went downhill quickly but I will spare everyone those details. Let's just say it involved a terrible nurse, nausea, vomiting (after a c-section!!), and other general unpleasantness. I don't remember a lot after the recovery hour period but we had lots of visitors and Cameron and Azer loved getting to finally meet "Baby Nora".
So cute. I'm glad she's here and you're both okay.
How great! Glad things went well even if it wasn't how it was planned. N better be wearing some skinny jeans sooooon! Love the pics. You guys are such a cute fam!
Great nurses mean everything!!! I'm glad she was healthy, and you are doing okay. So sorry about afterwards with being sick and all. I'll bet that hurt! Your baby Nora is Beautiful!!! Congrats!
that's so great that you were able to have a great nurse that helped make your birth a good one. Not having them take your baby away and being able to have her skin to skin while still on the table is SO GREAT!! I'm so happy for you and your family. Can't wait to meet cute little N :)
She is so sweet! I'm glad everything turned out alright in the end! She is so beautiful!
GREAT birth story! so happy your nurses made things happen! love the skin to skin and the photos!!!1 SO PERFECT!
ps i really miss seeing your face! i think nora is taking my april time away from me and i dont like it!!! but since she is so cute i will forgive her!
Oh what a bummer to not go as you had wished but so glad the nurse pulled through for you to hold her and keep her in your room! that is so awesome! 3 C' are tough..I couldn't do that. Congrats again!! Nora is such a sweet name!
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