Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The "For Reals" Snow Day

I had posted a while back about our "Snow Day". I was mistaken. That was just to prepare Jersey-ites for the Real snow day. A week ago we got about 8 inches dropped on us. All the schools were canceled so Ryan got a day off. He and Cameron had a Blast playing in the snow.

Az-Man wishing he was old enough to play.

Cameron "helping" Ryan shovel the walk.
There's a funny story about that. We didn't have a shovel- we hadn't needed one yet, and apparently we only get one snow like that a year here. So Ryan borrowed our neighbors- without their knowing- as they weren't home, but they'd left their shovel in front of their house. Ryan was being overzealous in his shoveling and he BROKE their shovel. OOps. So Ryan ended up buying two shovels that day. One to finish our walk and one to replace the neighbors. On the bright side we do now have a shovel for next years snow storm.

Cameron testing the tastiness of the snow in the backyard in the mound he and Ryan created.

Az-Man finally getting to play in the snow.


Ryan said...

I love the second to last pic. Classic Cameron. He wouldn't stop eating from that pile of snow.

BARBARA said...

snow, that is quite a change from arizona! are you sick of it yet???

Jen said...

How fun. Breaking the shovel would be something my poor Dan would do. ooops!

Oh and tell Ryan no more fancy law student responses on my blog. You know I am kidding and appreciate his thoughts.